Hi my name is Wendy,
Let me ask you something...
Are you ready for a NEW and different pathway to the one you are on right now?
Are you sick and tired of feeling 'sick and tired'?
If you’re honest, do you look in the mirror and see a stranger looking back at you?
Are you fearful about making the 'RIGHT' decisions to try and heal your Endometriosis and body because nothing has worked so far?
The PROBLEM with Endometriosis is that the current approach by the Medical Machine only tries to 'MANAGE' the symptoms.
Get to the ROOT CAUSE by addressing The 5 P's (Poisons; Produce, Products, Property, People & Past).
The Medical Machine does NOT address the underlying root causes of Endometriosis (which I believe to be a multiple of causes as above which creates inflammation and hormonal imbalances).
This may be why you are getting worse - and it is NOT your fault.
Do you feel you've tried everything, yet wonder why your body is failing you?
Do you feeling powerless over your emotions, body, the Endometriosis and scared, worried and anxious about the future?
If so, I know EXACTLY how you feel, that is how I used to feel - but not any more - and that's why I created this 21 Day Challenge Unblock Emotional Blocks especially for you...
This Challenge helps you identify underlying emotions in a safe way to shed some light and dissolve the emotional blocks from the past.
Will you accept the CHALLENGE and learn what 21 Days of self-care and gentle self-focus, can do to your emotions, body, mind and spirit?